Vision and Mission


“Udyoginam Purushsinham Urpeti Laxmi” 

(Industrious and lion-hearted men generate wealth)


  • To improve the quality of academic inputs constantly.
  • To promote knowledge and value based education.
  • To train the students for self employment.
  • To provide quality education to masses with updated infrastructural facilities and services at relatively reasonable cost.
  • To develop the spirit of patriotism, discipline and a sense of social responsibility by following the principles and ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi and Acharya Vinoba Bhave.
  • To educate the students in Commerce and various branches of Management Science with a perspective of enriching their practical knowledge.
  • To bring about overall development of independent personality and professional callibre in the student.
  • To inculcate in the students’ mind national integrity, patriotism, discipline and obligation to society.
  • To create and develop character-affluent and responsible individuals through Gandhian Thought.
  • 100% of our students should have character and 100% of our students should get jobs.