Student Satisfaction Survey 2019-20

Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) - 2019-20

To assess the students’ overall satisfaction towards various parameters related to Teaching and Learning Experience 16 Questions were framed and their response has been collected and analyzed. The students’ overall satisfaction survey is done on different parameters in the Likert scale of 1 to 5 i.e. 5 for Strongly Agree, 4 for Agree, 3 for Neutral, 2 for Disagree and 1 for Strongly Disagree.
Online questionnaire was filled by 423 students and their responses were recorded and analyzed. The result of the survey shows that majority of the students were satisfied with the facilities made available to them by the college.
Link of Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) :-
The result of the survey is shown in the form of Pie chart below-